Digital Management Solutions Gives Back – Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Digital Management Solutions Gives Back – Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Again this year DMS is giving back to families in our area for the Thanksgiving holiday. It is important as the holidays come around that those of us who are fortunate enough to have what is needed to sustain our families do what we can for those who do not. This year, DMS chose a group that provides tangible assistance to those families in need on a case by case basis. We were able to personally provide and deliver baskets of holiday food to a number of families in our local communities including enough food for a holiday meal and essential food items to assist with over a week’s worth of meals.

By following the idea of the “Basket Brigade”, DMS takes part of the effort put forth by the Anthony Robbins foundation to further the belief that one small act of generosity on the part of one caring person can transform the lives of hundreds. By staying aware and involved with those around us who are struggling we are able to give back to our community.

“Everyone has the need to contribute. It is one of the six human needs. If you give from your heart, it will come back to you tenfold” – Anthony Robbins

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